Partridge Olive Egger Started Pullets
The Patridge Olive Egger is a beautiful patridge colored bird. This olive egger is a cross between Legbars and Welsummers, with the goal to create a green egg that is speckled similar to the Welsummers. Olive eggs are sure to be a great addition to your egg basket! This hybrid is a wonderful egg layer of large olive eggs. Many will also have a tuft on their heads!
*This hybrid is not perfect, about 5% of the hens may lay brown eggs.
Partridge Olive Egger Pullets
These chicks have been identified as pullets (95% accuracy) and qualify for hen guarantee.
If a chicken you purchase as a pullet (not a straight run) turns out to be a rooster, you will receive double the purchase price back as store credit.
You have the option to keep or return the rooster. A rooster return is not required to get your store credit.