Grow Out Service
Next grow out will be for the mid-June hatch. 50 grow out spots are available for each grow out period. When you purchase your chicks from available chicks you can then place the chicks you ordered into the grow out service. Preorder new hatch and up to 1 week of age chicks can be entered into the service. SeaBreeze will be offering the grow out program on a bi-monthly basis.
Terms And Conditions
After you purchase your chicks, you can choose to place them in our grow out program. You will pay an $10 nonrefundable deposit per chicken. There is a total of 50 available grow out spots.
If you receive your chickens before 1 month of age, a $15 service fee is due at time of receipt. If you receive your chickens between 1 and 2 months of age, a $25 service fee is due at time of receipt.
Chickens will be fully vaccinated if picked up at 2 months of age
After 2 months of age, a service fee of $7.50 per week per chicken will be assessed. All service fees are due upon receipt of chickens.
You can choose to pick up your chickens (free), to have them delivered on the Houston Area Delivery route ($20 fee per order), or shipped via USPS (generally 2 or 3 chickens for $35). Please give us at least 24 hours advance notice prior to picking up your grow out chickens.
Since chickens are living animals, things can happen. We will do our best to fulfill your order exactly as requested. If any of your chickens are not available at pick up time, you can choose a substitute if available or be refunded the price you paid for the chick. However, the $10 grow out deposit is nonrefundable.

Straight Run Grow Out
Please purchase 2 chicks (and grow out spots) for each hen of straight run breeds that you would like to end up with. We will do our best to choose pullet chicks to put in the grow out pen.
Refunds for roosters - for each of your straight runs that turns out to be a rooster, if you do not want the rooster, you will be refunded half the purchase price of the straight run chick.
Because the chicks are straight run, we will not be able to guarantee hens of straight run breeds will be available at the end of the grow out period.
You will only pay the remaining grow out fee for pullets. If you choose to take any roosters, no additional fee will be required.