2024 Chick Schedule
2024 Upcoming Chicks for Sale​
Listed below are the planned hatches for the 2024 season. We try to keep the schedule as accurate as possible. However, hen egg production, incubation, and hatching can be unpredictable. Some breeds may not be available as planned. More breeds may be added to hatch dates as egg counts come in.
When preordering new hatch chicks, please place a seperate order for each preorder hatch date. Shipments, deliveries, and pick ups can not include chicks from different preordered hatch dates.
All chicks are pullets (females) unless indicated by |SR|.
|SR| - indicates that chicks are sold as Straight Run which means a random mix of boys and girls as hatched.. We will certainly try to pick females for you unless you ask otherwise. Although we can make a best guess at gender, with straight run chicks/chickens ,there is no guarantee on gender.
To view chickens that are currently available for sale, please click the Chickens for Sale page.
January 19th 2024 The following breeds are scheduled to be available for pickup starting January 19th. You can reserve your chicks by preordering now.    NEW HATCH STANDARD BREED PULLETS- $12 each Barred Rock Buff Orpington Rhode Island Red White Leghorn Black Australorp Black Star Gold Star NEW HATCH COLORED EGG LAYER PULLETS Easter Egger - $14 each Cream Legbar - $16 each Prairie Bluebell Egger™ - $18 each Starlight Green Egger ™ - $16 each Cuckoo Olive Egger - $16 each Partridge Olive Eggers - $16 each Black Olive Egger - $16 each Blue Olive Egger - $18 each Splash Olive Egger - $18 each French Black Copper Marans - $20 each Lavendar Marans - $30 each Splash Marans - $30 each Black Copper Marans - $16 each Blue Copper Marans - $16 each Cuckoo Marans - $14 each Welsummer - $18 each Crele Penedesenca - $16 each Brown Breasted Blue Leghorn - $14 each NEW HATCH RARE BREED PULLETS - $14 each Silver Laced Wyandotte Gold Laced Wyandotte Blue Wyandotte Light Brahma Buff Brahma Dark Brahma Speckled Sussex Turken (Naked Neck) NEW HATCH VERY RARE BREED PULLETS - $16 each Blue Australorp Blue Laced Gold Wyandotte Mottled Java Sicilian Buttercup Spangled Russian Orloff Blue Jersey Giant Black Jersey Giant NEW HATCH UNIQUELY RARE BREED PULLETS - $18 each Barnevelder Blue Laced Barnevelder Lavendar Orpington Splash Laced Red Wyandotte Blue Giant Cochin Gold Laced Giant Cochin Silver Laced Giant Cochin Partridge Giant Cochin NEW HATCH EXCEPTIONALLY RARE BREED PULLETS - $20 each Blue Laced Red Wyandotte German Bielefelder Chocolate Orpington Red Orpington Black Orpington Splash Australorp Splash Jersey Giant NEW HATCH CRESTED BREED PULLETS White Crested Blue Polish - $20 each Gold Laced Polish - $20 each NEW HATCH BEARDED BANTAM SILKIES STRAIGHT RUN SeaBreeze Exclusive Buff Bearded Bantam Silkies |SR| - $35 each SeaBreeze Exclusive Buff Bantam Showgirls |SR| - - $40 each NEW HATCH SPECIALTY CHICKS STRAIGHT RUN Splash True Ameracauna |SR| - $12 each Polkies |SR| - $1o each Lioness Frizzles |SR| - $20 each Calico Bantam Cochin |SR| - $25 each Black Mottled Bantam Cochin |SR| - $20 each Frizzle Calico Bantam Cochin |SR| - $30 each Frizzle Black Mottled Bantam Cochin |SR| - $25 each Tolbunt Polish |SR| - $20 each Frizzle Tolbunt Polish |SR| - $30 each Malaysian Serama |SR| - $30 each
These chicks are currently available to order.
February 10, 2024 Special Valentine's Batch The following breeds are scheduled to be available for pickup starting February 10. You can reserve these chicks by preordering starting on January 8th. The Chocolate Chickens - $20 each Chocolate Orpingtons Splash Marans French Black Copper Marans Lavendar Marans Golden Cuckoo Marans Crested Love Breeds -$20 each White Crested Black Polish Gold Laced Polish White Crested Blue Polish Buff Laced Polish Silver Spangled Spitzhauben
February 23, 2024 The following breeds are scheduled to be available for pickup starting February 23rd. You can reserve your chicks by preordering starting January 22.    NEW HATCH STANDARD BREED PULLETS- $12 each Barred Rock Buff Orpington Rhode Island Red White Leghorn Black Australorp Black Star Cinnamon Queen NEW HATCH COLORED EGG LAYER PULLETS Easter Egger - $14 each Cream Legbar - $16 each Prairie Bluebell Egger™ - $18 each Starlight Green Egger ™ - $16 each Cuckoo Olive Egger - $16 each Partridge Olive Eggers - $16 each Black Olive Egger - $16 each Blue Olive Egger - $18 each Splash Olive Egger - $18 each French Black Copper Marans - $20 each Lavendar Marans - $30 each Splash Marans - $30 each Black Copper Marans - $16 each Blue Copper Marans - $16 each Cuckoo Marans - $14 each Welsummer - $18 each Crele Penedesenca - $16 each Brown Breasted Blue Leghorn - $14 each Salmon Favorelles - $18 each NEW HATCH RARE BREED PULLETS - $14 each Silver Laced Wyandotte Gold Laced Wyandotte Blue Wyandotte Light Brahma Buff Brahma Dark Brahma Speckled Sussex Turken (Naked Neck) Austrawhite Sapphire Splash NEW HATCH VERY RARE BREED PULLETS - $16 each Blue Australorp Blue Laced Gold Wyandotte Mottled Java Sicilian Buttercup Spangled Russian Orloff Blue Jersey Giant Black Jersey Giant NEW HATCH UNIQUELY RARE BREED PULLETS - $18 each Barnevelder Blue Laced Barnevelder Lavendar Orpington Splash Laced Red Wyandotte Blue Giant Cochin Gold Laced Giant Cochin Silver Laced Giant Cochin Partridge Giant Cochin NEW HATCH EXCEPTIONALLY RARE BREED PULLETS - $20 each Blue Laced Red Wyandotte German Bielefelder Chocolate Orpington Red Orpington Black Orpington Splash Australorp Splash Jersey Giant NEW HATCH CRESTED BREED PULLETS - $20 each Buff Laced Polish White Crested Blue Polish Gold Laced Polish White Crested Black Polish Gold Laced Polish Silver Spangled Spitzhauben NEW HATCH BEARDED BANTAM SILKIES STRAIGHT RUN SeaBreeze Exclusive Buff Bearded Bantam Silkies |SR| - $35 each SeaBreeze Exclusive Buff Bantam Showgirls |SR| - - $40 each NEW HATCH SPECIALTY CHICKS STRAIGHT RUN Splash True Ameracauna |SR| - $12 each Polkies |SR| - $1o each Lioness Frizzles |SR| - $20 each Calico Bantam Cochin |SR| - $25 each Black Mottled Bantam Cochin |SR| - $20 each Frizzle Calico Bantam Cochin |SR| - $30 each Frizzle Black Mottled Bantam Cochin |SR| - $25 each Tolbunt Polish |SR| - $20 each Frizzle Tolbunt Polish |SR| - $30 each Malaysian Serama |SR| - $30 each
March 22, 2024 The following breeds are scheduled to be available for pickup starting March 22nd. You can reserve your chicks by preordering starting February 26th.    NEW HATCH STANDARD BREED PULLETS- $12 each Barred Rock Buff Orpington Rhode Island Red White Leghorn Black Australorp Black Star Cinnamon Queen NEW HATCH COLORED EGG LAYER PULLETS Easter Egger - $14 each Cream Legbar - $16 each Prairie Bluebell Egger™ - $18 each Starlight Green Egger ™ - $16 each Cuckoo Olive Egger - $16 each Partridge Olive Eggers - $16 each Black Olive Egger - $16 each Blue Olive Egger - $18 each Splash Olive Egger - $18 each French Black Copper Marans - $20 each Lavendar Marans - $30 each Splash Marans - $30 each Black Copper Marans - $16 each Blue Copper Marans - $16 each Cuckoo Marans - $14 each Welsummer - $18 each Crele Penedesenca - $16 each Brown Breasted Blue Leghorn - $14 each Salmon Favorelles - $18 each NEW HATCH RARE BREED PULLETS - $14 each Silver Laced Wyandotte Gold Laced Wyandotte Blue Wyandotte Light Brahma Buff Brahma Dark Brahma Speckled Sussex Turken (Naked Neck) Austrawhite Sapphire Splash NEW HATCH VERY RARE BREED PULLETS - $16 each Blue Australorp Blue Laced Gold Wyandotte Mottled Java Sicilian Buttercup Spangled Russian Orloff Blue Jersey Giant Black Jersey Giant NEW HATCH UNIQUELY RARE BREED PULLETS - $18 each Barnevelder Blue Laced Barnevelder Lavendar Orpington Splash Laced Red Wyandotte Blue Giant Cochin Gold Laced Giant Cochin Silver Laced Giant Cochin Partridge Giant Cochin NEW HATCH EXCEPTIONALLY RARE BREED PULLETS - $20 each Blue Laced Red Wyandotte German Bielefelder Chocolate Orpington Red Orpington Black Orpington Splash Australorp Splash Jersey Giant NEW HATCH CRESTED BREED PULLETS - $20 each Buff Laced Polish White Crested Blue Polish Gold Laced Polish White Crested Black Polish Gold Laced Polish Silver Spangled Spitzhauben NEW HATCH BEARDED BANTAM SILKIES STRAIGHT RUN SeaBreeze Exclusive Buff Bearded Bantam Silkies |SR| - $35 each SeaBreeze Exclusive Buff Bantam Showgirls |SR| - - $40 each NEW HATCH SPECIALTY CHICKS STRAIGHT RUN Splash True Ameracauna |SR| - $12 each Polkies |SR| - $1o each Lioness Frizzles |SR| - $20 each Calico Bantam Cochin |SR| - $25 each Black Mottled Bantam Cochin |SR| - $20 each Frizzle Calico Bantam Cochin |SR| - $30 each Frizzle Black Mottled Bantam Cochin |SR| - $25 each Tolbunt Polish |SR| - $20 each Frizzle Tolbunt Polish |SR| - $30 each Malaysian Serama |SR| - $30 each