Splash Australorp Started Pullets
Splash Australorps are phenomenal layers – probably the combination of Orpington, Leghorn, and Rhode Island Red genes make this bird a laying superstar!
They are known to be an extremely friendly, large-breed chicken. They make the perfect children’s chicken. A fast-growing breed with a slightly shy demeanor initially, but once they settle in, they are likely to follow you around the yard if you have any treats in your pockets! Australorps will tolerate confinement well, but very much enjoy free-ranging and searching for bugs and morsels in the yard as they really do like to be active.
Splash Australorp Pullets
These chicks have been identified as pullets (95% accuracy) and qualify for hen guarantee.
If a chicken you purchase as a pullet (not a straight run) turns out to be a rooster, you will receive double the purchase price back as store credit.
You have the option to keep or return the rooster. A rooster return is not required to get your store credit.