SeaBreeze Lioness Frizzle Pullet
Primarily Blue in Color
Why do we call them Lioness Frizzles....they have the look of a shaggy lion when they mature. These girls will really add something new and different to your flock! Cute and sweet....a wonderful playful addition to any flock. They will be a smaller sized bird (like the light breeds) but not a bantam.
Blue Lioness Frizzle Pullets
All chicks are vaccinated with 48 hours of hatching for Marek's Disease
All chicks are vaccinated for coccidiosis at 4 to 7 days of age.
All chicks are vaccinated for Fowl Pox with Pigeon Pox and Avian Encephalomyelitis at 6 weeks of age. If you purchase your chicks before they turn 6 weeks of age bring them back during one of our scheduled vaccination days or schedule an appointment.